October 28, 2009


¡Touché! "Te van a meter una pelota de tenis por la boca" debió de pensar Nadal. Verdasco, "El hombre y la verdad" de Xavier Zubiri, zurriagazo a la verborragia, nos dice "este hacia es justamente el orto de la razón; el orto de la razón está en la inteligencia sentiente y por consiguiente el "sujeto reflexivo" es constitutivamente esencial a todo acto de razón, a un argentino no le ayudas si le superas en inteligencia, que parecen bichos de la Patagonia que les falta el seso de las vacas locas...

//Touché! "They´re going to put a tennisball inside your mouth" it must think Nadal. Verdasco, "The man and the truth" of Xavier Zubiri, thrashing to the verbhage, he says "this to through is just the orto of the reason; the orto of the reason is in the intelligence feeling and as a result the "reflexive subject" is essential constituvely through all act of reason", you don´t help an argentine if you overcome him in intelligence, that they are alike the creepy-crawly of the Patagonia that they haven´t the mind of the foolish cow...//

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