October 31, 2017


How difficult it would have been to explain everything the night before the deceased in which the silence was perceived so that death penetrated our homes and the city. First it was a white haze that gave way to a rain and the news was communicated the death of a relevant character. 
The cold hesitated to appear suddenly and without warning leaving our temples in the marrow. He had always been counting the dead, 1,174 among friends and acquaintances who were ahead of me, I would be the ... 
I remembered perfectly how they were at the last moment when I left them alone in their homes and death took them away. 
It was ineluctable and they could not do anything but disappear. His benefactor memory was even erased in me. I could not do more than let them die.
Nor did it take much advantage to the living to be alive. They traveled or circled around us on that night ready to ask for a reward and to come and live with them. 
All Saints' Day was the day before that of all the deceased. Although many who lived were already dead to us because we could not use them in our trades. But you could not play to take their lives. Poor those who considered themselves as gods! Soon the devil would come with the scythe to charge their pretentious lives and take away the soul.
You should believe that God wanted your life. But you ungrateful soon dismissed the living. But I did not expect anything special in this life. In fact, if I did not have a family, I would not fulfill my obligations. If they were alone they would soon claim my life. I was already dead. He was a dead man who by some mysterious mission was still living. They say that we are like zombies. 
If you did and improved then your environment improved. A respect was due to all the dead and all the living who could take this step.
The free choice made by the dead of the living to always benefit them, by the Saints and the Night, decided the steps of these our weeks. That no request for help was dismissed! But it was always the desire to be a bullfighter and wanting to return to the ring to finish the job despite having suffered several awkward and awful catches caught. Courage and the bull that does not catch you ...!

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