September 29, 2017


I am very sensitive and I have good eyesight, I see people who are interesting and by their physicists although this perception of Human Resources is not correct ("people can not give of themselves more than the physical form that has ...") I know what they can give of themselves, by their forms and gestures, their agile movements, their pauses and their expressivity I deduce a lot of non-verbal information  .I see in the public transports of the subway and the buses of Madrid the fools who are blind to the fatal destiny, those limited by the chassis of their metabolism, the impoverished losers without resources that live like the air ... And I suffer a lot because I can not do anything for them (the only way to make people happy is to give them money).

In the morning I work in Accompaniment of Senior Residences in hospital visits in taxis and in ambulances. I see people over eighty who have lost their partners, but who have had money to afford a Private Residence, who go in wheelchairs or walkers, and with diapers, without mobility and who have remained blind and deaf, that have been left alone crammed with people who have not got old well in the head (looks genetic and environmental, it is very difficult to get well without good sleep, have a good stomach, and a lot of sense) even with fucking people , hideputa and bad fleas where the coexistence is a hell in the Home of the Third Age,

con tratamientos de quimioterapia en el Clínico (en las salas de espera de los hospitales veo que el perfil de estos pacientes es el mismo que el de la gente normal que se ve en el metro y que por tanto somos muchísimos más los que tenemos cáncer), que no tienen dientes y comen con purés, y nadie les visita ni les saca de allí y ni les lleva de vacaciones, con ninguna posibilidad real cognitiva para una buena conversación con los otros residentes... Cuando le pregunto a una de estas personas mayores que ha trabajado mucho y ha realizado su camino por EL SENTIDO DE LA VIDA, que ya han visto morir a sus amigos y conocidos, me dicen: - "Ser buenas personas, y hacer el bien..."

In the afternoon I work as a Home Care Assistant, I go to luxury homes, to clean, iron, cook, wrap .. and I see that if you do not have health, love and understanding, the house is worthless no matter how expensive it is, even if there is no work and the minor children are detached, impolite and conceited, comfortable and selfish ... without regard to anyone. I see all the pictures, all the photos of celebrations, all the memories on the shelves, all kinds of good furniture, double bathrooms, attic and solarium and other architectural originalities and interior decoration, but if there are no good people that they want, BUT THERE IS LOVE and good company, that they know to be and to love, nothing is worth the place by much urbanization in which they are.

On weekends I like to go to a Mercadillo to buy antiques and other objects (I have filled the house with trunks, armchairs, vases, mirrors, dishes, dishes, a good Spanish guitar with four strings ... ) The Christian dependents of this NGO to fight the drug tell me: - "Somebody dies and houses empty, nobody wants their memories ... we empty them". Above, my wife works in the Emergency ICU of a Private Hospital and she tells me every night the cases of patients in danger of life, the minutes and seconds they have to do things well and not go away the person to not I know where ... to Life, or to Heaven or Hell, or to Purgatory.

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