August 01, 2013

AL-HAKIM (1047)

More complete title AL-HAKIM BI-AMR (Ruler by God´s Command)
called by Druzes AL-HAKIM BI-AMRIH (Ruler by His Own Command)
original name ABU ALÍ AL-MANSUR (b. 985-d. 1021?)
sixth ruler of the Egyptian Shii Fatimid dynasty noted for his eccentricities and cruelty especially his persecutions of Christians and Jews who is held by adherents of the Druze religion to be a divine incarnation.

Al-Hakim was named caliph in 996 and depended at first on the Berber regiments in his army for his power. When he took control of government his policies were arbitrary and harsh. He ordered, for example, the sacking of the city al-Fustat (near present-day Cairo) the killing of all dogs (whose barking annoyed him) and the prohibition of various kinds of vegetables and sellfish.

His religious persecutions affected Sunni Muslims as well as Jews and Christians though at times his administration was tolerant.

During famines he distributed food an tried to stabilize prices.

He also founded mosques and patronized scholars and poets.

In 1017 he began to encourage the teaching of some Ismaili missionaries (members of the radical Shii sect to which his dynasty belonged) who held that he was the incarnation of divinity.

The Druze religion developed from the teaching of these men.

Al-Hakim mysteriously vanished while taking a walk on the night of Feb. 13 1021.

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