February 26, 2015


Roman general and politician who had been one of Caesar´s most trusted lieutenants before coming a leader of the conspiracy that resulted in Caesar´s death.

An aristocrat Trebonius was a conservative during his term as quaestor (financial magistrate) in c. 60 BC.
Five years later he changed allegiances and backed Caesar´s party.

He was the author of an act that granted Spain to Pompey and Syria to Gaius Crassus Longinus for an additional five years and allowed these two consuls to recruit soldiers both in Italy and in the provinces.

After Trebonius´ participation in the conquest of Gaul and the Roman Civil War, Caesar in 48 rewarded him with a praetorship (judicial magistracy) and in the following year with the governorship of Further Spain.
Trebonius soon abandoned Spain following a mutiny of his troops.

In 45 BC Caesar made him a consul and promised him the governorship of Asia but Trebonius joined the conspiracy against his master and participated in his assassination.

Appointed proconsul in Asia in 44 he was murdered the next year by the governor of Syria.

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