August 02, 2013


Scholar and archivist and a pioneer in Romanian language and historical studies.

Settling as a high school teacher and librarian at Iasi (1858) he collected abd published a great number of ancient Slavic and Romanian documents for the first time in Arhiva istorica a Romániei (4 vol., 1865-67; The Historical Archive of Romania).

In 1870 he founded an important review of Romanian studies and in 1875 published a work that though incomplete marked the beginning of critical investigation of Romanian history.

He became director of the state archives in 1876 and was appointed professor of philology at the University of Bucharest (1878).

His Cuvente den Batráni (2 vol., 1878-81) was the first history of apocryphal literature in Romania.

In 1881 he edited a notable 16th-century Slavo-Romanian religious work the Psalter of Coresi. He also began preparing an encyclopaedic dictionary of the Romanian language but did not get beyond the letter B.

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