Saltan, encienden las velas y queman los malos augurios en la noche de San Juan y yo me subo al balcón de la bella dama duende de Madrid.
Quien de servilleta pase a mantel,/ Dios nos libre de él,/ pero en La Mancha ponen servilletas como manteles,/ porque el morteruelo, el vino y las patatas bravas lo requieren,/ y también en las papas de Canarias,/ y como buena gallega María Pita se casó cinco veces,/ y los turistas rusos son como de Vallecas.
Por qué siempre el genio del labio leporino se bebe el Porto tan rápido/ y cómo hará el amor con su zagala/ cuando le ponga los morritos calientes sobre las tetillas/ si conduce a toda pastilla por las curvas de Altea la Vella.
Ya habrá otras cosas en esta tierra para las mismas personas,/ la mujer fiel a la iglesia ortodoxa/ es con la que me quiero casar,/ la rusa de verdad,/ esa alegre de sputnik/ y ese cuerpo duro que parece de goma en la dacha,/ esto es mejor que lo otro,/ que esa encerrona de mujer joven de la ciudad,/ que no te tenga que decir dónde estás cariño,/ perdido en el mar.
Con tanto adorno a las madonnas della candelettas y fans de Woman Secret con los hijos ya mayores solo le queda al pobre de familia esconderse bajo la mesa del restaurante si le ven éstas féminas progresistas regañar a su niño y no atender a los arrumacos de su esposa tras de un viaje largo a la costa y si no fuiste prima bailarina de la clase tampoco encontraste a ese varón noble que atendiera tus demandas y peticiones desde la hoz de tu pueblo de donde saliste y ahora ves en otra lo que tú suspiras por no haber tenido pero que además ahora no aguantas a ese depredador aunque sea por su falta de carácter.
Hay mujeres que saben a yogur vitalinea, hay rusos en el Mediterráneo que saben a langostinos y a mí me hubiera gustado casarme con una pastelera suiza pero me pasé todo el verano en el olor nocturno de la marroquinería que llevaba ella y luego en Madrid la gente está tan pirada y tan sumamente mal de la cabeza.
Al borde de la playiribi de Calpe contemplando toda una pasarela porno donde se te reactivan todas las pecas, con escasos matrimonios de la sombrilla adecentada, un niño con unas gafas de bucear ve los huesos de un dinosaurio en la orilla, retumba la playa cuando los niños descargan los castillos de arena, y ves a las espingardas madrileñas de dieciséis abriles entre las olitas, y solitarias suecas como mujeres del corredor de Danzig con maridos como témpanos y gitanas de ágiles piernas vendiendo pareados por las hamacas para robar, y una mujer con una camiseta blanca de inspector por las casetas, y la gazeta de lo público es extensa en el paseo marítimo con negros eunucos vendiendo complementos de moda y un trabajo de duras penas en las hospederías, a la una en la playa el sol está determinado como las telas de Sorolla, entonces a las tres la clavada de esa ladrona del collar de oro pirata que lleva el negocio de la sangría edulcorante, y a las vísperas todas las pieles quemadas se echan sobre el horizonte de mar azul oscuro, y cuando sí que ha subido la marea recojo el petate y me voy al hotel, y si cada vez que me metiera en el agua del mar me bautizara y saliera un hombre de salitre nuevo.
Las voces del hombre de euritos llegan por todas partes donde la Comunidad del Euro es ingenua y ridículamente lo que marca la diferencia donde unos más y otros menos van gastando los cartuchos de las moneditas en el devenir de sus días en un consumo que no es de los momentos felices sino de la indefensión inconsciente por la propia supervivencia y tu mujer como una loca en las tiendas que no te das cuenta de nada habértela buscado eslava.
Necesitamos que los rumanos se extiendan por España y regeneren nuestra sangre,/ porque son más jóvenes,/ mejores filósofos/ y tienen mejor filosofía de la vida,/ y demos paso a los ortodoxos antes que a la morería para no acabar todos paganos/ y sometidos a un canon desértico de revueltas turcas y brasileñas.
June 30, 2013
Qué obsesión con la Virgen y
el ángel y que Cristo no era igual a Dios ni eterno y los georgianos adoptaron
el cristianismo en el siglo cuarto a través del ministerio de la mujer santa
Nino y tuvieron formándose al seminarista Joseph Stalin que debido a sus buenos
recuerdos los trató de manera favorable y es que al demonio hay que tratarlo
bien y con pleitesía para que no se haga más duro.
Estoy en contra del fin del todo, de que el Pantocrator traiga el
Apocalipsis, de que no haya hombres famosos en la costa blanca, que la
información vaya de acá para allá y no quiera decir nada, que debido a la mucha
gente no se comen buenos alimentos, que atormentadores problemas no nos dejen
dormir, tan poco necesita una palmera para estar en el oasis, como una mujer si
se calma puede recibir mucho de un hombre, pero todos atropellan a los otros y
llevan una tamborilada y un saquiño de la pólvora de San Juan, en el ático de
mi sinagoga está la geniza donde se guardan los manuscritos y los objetos de
los rituales y donde los documentos contienen los nombres sagrados de Dios, y
en las familias judías se mueve el don del genio que pasa del abuelo al nieto
en catenae con una gran capacidad de dejar en ridículo a los demás y de
trabajar en los campos que nadie lo hace pero ya sabemos que las actuales
carreras y trabajos solo necesitan la normalización y serie amorfa de la
esclavitud de Egipto donde los principiantes no anticipan el futuro.
Tú crees que los hebreos han perdido el sentido del amor y el gemilut
hesed de esparcir amor por todas partes como hacen los jubilados belgas que han
hecho morada en el Levante.
A Europa le llamó la atención peregrinar a Santiago y a la Tierra Santa,
el platonismo y el aristotelismo pero no creo que el pangermanismo cuele sino
el deslizarse por la paz del iberismo con sus buenas playas, buena comida,
buena juventud y buenos precios aunque la verdad cada vez tienen menos pulso.
Los zelotes eran un movimiento monoteísta y judaizante dentro del
cristianismo promulgando una doctrina antitrinitaria como si el Hijo no fuese más
que uno de los hijos de Dios y el Espíritu un aperitivo del momento religioso,
y Dios un enigma insoluble al que solo el hombre le venera un respeto sumiso,
un dios Padre y un Dios Demonio que hace el pacto, y un alcance extremo por su
misma potencia quedando el hombre a merced del simple y común poder de la
naturaleza sellado por un pacto con la raza israelí y cuando resulte verdadero
los genocidas de un pueblo avispado irán a por ellos ya sean semitas o chinos,
porque hay otros pueblos que no tienen sentido sobrado de la grandeza sino de
la libertad y éstos serán siempre los aliados de Estados Unidos de América con
todo el poder nuclear y en España vivimos en una burbuja del Levante
Igual que los polacos entre paganos y ortodoxos decidieron ser católicos
así también en España la mitad es católica y mira ganan todas las reconquistas
y guerras civiles en Iberia luego alguna gracia superior y sentido común
apropiado tienen para mantener la historia en ese país y solo con rezar y
batallear de un poco a un poco más.
Sabemos que la geopolítica de los alemanes está en el espacio del euro y de unas estrictas normas de moral kantiana, sabemos que la geopolítica de muchos países de multitudes famélicas es buscar donde prosperar no importa el lugar que sea en un mundo global en que todo se habla en inglés, sabemos que la geopolítica francesa está muy mosqueada y capada en un momento en que las leyes democráticas de educación y sanidad están determinadas por la economía, sabemos que la geopolítica de los españoles es no quedarse todos viejos y sin empresas y sin impuestos y quedarnos todos con el fútbol y con el culo al aire, y sabemos cosas de la geopolítica terrorista de los fundamentalistas islámicos y la geopolítica imperialista de China pero lo que no entiendo es la geopolítica de los Estados Unidos ni la totalitaria colapsadora de la nomenklatura rusa.
Sabemos que la geopolítica de los alemanes está en el espacio del euro y de unas estrictas normas de moral kantiana, sabemos que la geopolítica de muchos países de multitudes famélicas es buscar donde prosperar no importa el lugar que sea en un mundo global en que todo se habla en inglés, sabemos que la geopolítica francesa está muy mosqueada y capada en un momento en que las leyes democráticas de educación y sanidad están determinadas por la economía, sabemos que la geopolítica de los españoles es no quedarse todos viejos y sin empresas y sin impuestos y quedarnos todos con el fútbol y con el culo al aire, y sabemos cosas de la geopolítica terrorista de los fundamentalistas islámicos y la geopolítica imperialista de China pero lo que no entiendo es la geopolítica de los Estados Unidos ni la totalitaria colapsadora de la nomenklatura rusa.
June 21, 2013
Se establece un termómetro para JUNIO 2013:
Con estos valores:
16 = actividad dentro de las empresas
8 = actividad bancaria de pagos e ingresos
10 y 4= actividad económica
0 = creación de empresas
3-3-3-3 = procesos judiciales
(Así sería posible para Julio 2013:
18 actividad dentro empresas-6 actividad bancaria-3-/8 o 10/-2-/3 o 4/-3-3-3-3-/0 o 3 en creación empresas/-1-2 y quedaría:
18-6-3-10-2-4-/3-3-3-3-3/-3/-1-2),( predicción pesimista)
Y fue el valor JULIO 31.7.13:
34-14-3-13-2-7-/3-5-5-3/-1(no se cumple 3 predicción en creación empresas)/-1-4 (valor real)
13 y 7 =actividad económica
1 = creación empresas
Por vacaciones descenderá pero cuánto
en Agosto 13:
En Septiembre 13:
En Octubre 13:
En Noviembre 13:
En Diciembre 13:
Con estos valores:
16 = actividad dentro de las empresas
8 = actividad bancaria de pagos e ingresos
10 y 4= actividad económica
0 = creación de empresas
3-3-3-3 = procesos judiciales
(Así sería posible para Julio 2013:
18 actividad dentro empresas-6 actividad bancaria-3-/8 o 10/-2-/3 o 4/-3-3-3-3-/0 o 3 en creación empresas/-1-2 y quedaría:
18-6-3-10-2-4-/3-3-3-3-3/-3/-1-2),( predicción pesimista)
Y fue el valor JULIO 31.7.13:
34-14-3-13-2-7-/3-5-5-3/-1(no se cumple 3 predicción en creación empresas)/-1-4 (valor real)
13 y 7 =actividad económica
1 = creación empresas
Por vacaciones descenderá pero cuánto
en Agosto 13:
En Septiembre 13:
En Octubre 13:
En Noviembre 13:
En Diciembre 13:
German soldier and devoted servant of the Habsburgs who fought first for Maximilian I and later for Charles V.
In 1499 he took part in Maximilian´s struggle against the Swiss and in the same year was among the imperial troops sent to assist Milan against the French.
He took part in 1504 in the war over the succession to the duchy of Bavaria-Landshut and afterward fought in the Netherlands.
Frundsberg is often called the "father of the Landsknechte" because he played a prominent part in the organization of that formidable mercenary infantry, armed with pike and sword which became Maximilian´s most powerful striking force.
As commander of the Landsknechte, Frundsberg was of great service to the empire in 1509, 1513 and 1514 against the Venetians and French in Picardy in 1521 and in Lombardy in 1522.
He was partly responsible for the great victory at Pavia in February 1525.
In 1499 he took part in Maximilian´s struggle against the Swiss and in the same year was among the imperial troops sent to assist Milan against the French.
He took part in 1504 in the war over the succession to the duchy of Bavaria-Landshut and afterward fought in the Netherlands.
Frundsberg is often called the "father of the Landsknechte" because he played a prominent part in the organization of that formidable mercenary infantry, armed with pike and sword which became Maximilian´s most powerful striking force.
As commander of the Landsknechte, Frundsberg was of great service to the empire in 1509, 1513 and 1514 against the Venetians and French in Picardy in 1521 and in Lombardy in 1522.
He was partly responsible for the great victory at Pavia in February 1525.
Poet and court historian whose extremely literary Chronicles of the 14th century remain the most important and detailed documents of feudal times.
As a cultivated scholar Froissart lived among the nobility of several European courts. In England he served Queen Phillippa of Hainaut, King Edward III and his sons the Black Prince and the Duke of Clarence; he became the chaplain of Guy II de Chatillon, comte de Blois and was ordained canon of Chimay under the same. He travelled to Scotland, Italy, France and the Iberian Peninsula.
The main subject of Froissart´s Chronicles was the "honourable adventures and feasts of arms" of the Hundred Years War. He used his privileged position to question central figures and observe key events. The firsthand narrative covers weddings, funerals and great battles from 1325 to 1400. Book I was based on the work of the Flemish writer Jean le Bel and later rewritten; Book II concerns the events in Flanders and the Peace of Tournai; Book III, Spain and Portugal; and Book IV is based on the Battle of Poitiers and a final visit to England where he was shocked by the weakness of the royal government.
Froissart cites exact dialogues and all available facts, allowing the reader to draw his own conclusions. The splendour and pageantry are emphasized while the victims and causes of suffering are overlooked.
Froissart´s allegorical poetry celebrates courty love. L´Horloge amoureux compares the heart to a clock and Méliador is a chivalrous romance. His ballades and rondeaux expose the poet´s personal feelings. Despite his fame during his lifetime Froissart apparently died in obscurity; his burial place has never been discovered.
As a cultivated scholar Froissart lived among the nobility of several European courts. In England he served Queen Phillippa of Hainaut, King Edward III and his sons the Black Prince and the Duke of Clarence; he became the chaplain of Guy II de Chatillon, comte de Blois and was ordained canon of Chimay under the same. He travelled to Scotland, Italy, France and the Iberian Peninsula.
The main subject of Froissart´s Chronicles was the "honourable adventures and feasts of arms" of the Hundred Years War. He used his privileged position to question central figures and observe key events. The firsthand narrative covers weddings, funerals and great battles from 1325 to 1400. Book I was based on the work of the Flemish writer Jean le Bel and later rewritten; Book II concerns the events in Flanders and the Peace of Tournai; Book III, Spain and Portugal; and Book IV is based on the Battle of Poitiers and a final visit to England where he was shocked by the weakness of the royal government.
Froissart cites exact dialogues and all available facts, allowing the reader to draw his own conclusions. The splendour and pageantry are emphasized while the victims and causes of suffering are overlooked.
Froissart´s allegorical poetry celebrates courty love. L´Horloge amoureux compares the heart to a clock and Méliador is a chivalrous romance. His ballades and rondeaux expose the poet´s personal feelings. Despite his fame during his lifetime Froissart apparently died in obscurity; his burial place has never been discovered.
June 20, 2013
Vendrán otros otoños y primaveras y no saldrán tan desaboríos y descosidos porque es de esperar que todo vaya saliendo mejor como con Obama, China y los árabes según vaya avanzando el siglo.
Parece mentira que las imágenes de la Ilíada y la Odisea sigan vigentes en el Magreb y Oriente Medio en que los norteamericanos luchan enconadamente contra los troyanos, los persas y los tártaros.
La placa de base de nuestra retina son los Campos de Castilla por eso nos adaptamos tan bien a China y al mar de Java porque contrastamos con lo que tenemos y en nuestro conocimiento patrio nos apoyamos.
El escultor Luba de los hambrientos chinos del arrocito que les hacen el bugaka en sus tiendas a media luz a los de inspección de trabajo para arrastrar nuestros céntimos y hacer manitas con los euros.
Con un japonés apenas puedes hablar porque es muy reservado y con un chino tampoco puedes hablar de nada porque solo le interesan las moneditas pero aquel tiene más valor por la persona.
Los japoneses crearon la Sociedad de la Creación del Valor y durante un tiempo así se tostaron las rebanadas empresariales europeas y norteamericanas pero son ahora los chinos quienes emplean la técnica del shakubuku del romper y someter el barrio como termitas silenciosas de nuestros duros muebles castellanos.
Los políticos que quieren ser reelegidos cuando ya no se puede más debieran comprender que las grandes obras en beneficio de las comunidades debieran ser las calzadas y las murallas de las leyes para que con rapidez se eviten la desintegración y la ruina de los países.
Puedo pensar que eres un ejecutivo que lleva la camisa de Octavio Paz y que te dedicas a hacer poemas mientras no lo sepan en la Dirección o que te dedicas a cortar el cuello a esos que tanto detestas allá en lo alto de la empresa.
Es un día para no olvidarlo en la historia de la evolución, en que el hombre a pasos agigantados vuelve a ser un chimpancé, en el que Obama sube al avión presidencial Beagle para ir al mitin de los vikingos de Berlín y el progreso de la política Ango-Saxona en una estructura social compleja europea que ya no cree en Dios, ni en el progreso ni en una sociedad moral.
Enséñame a morir/ enséñame el camino a morir/ tu acento andaluz es vida/ vida que baila sobre la muerte,/ ámame con las románticas ideas de la arquitectura vampiresca y neogótica de Philadelphia/ que manía de ese japonés con el ritual del té y con que no voy a llegar a ningún sitio y que me suicide,/ como cuando Prusia unificó a los alemanes para el gran tanatorio europeo/ y los muertos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial ya determinaron lo que somos.
Todos esos rostros en las pantallas hablando en castellano pero que si hablaran en norteamericano los repeleríamos como a marines de los portaviones de las capitulaciones, y como nos horrorizaríamos si nos encontrásemos en Argentina con un oficial nazi alemán que ha exterminado a millones de judíos europeos porque no había más espacio social, y la eidética imagen que nos planteamos de los ciudadanos en la actualidad depende mucho de su desenvolvimiento en el juego diario con marcaje de puntos más que de si nos pueden beneficiar es más si no nos obligan a cargar con la gestión de su tiempo.
Fue en Nueva York donde se estableció la libertad de prensa y donde se terminó con la costumbre inglesa de castigar a todo el que criticara al gobierno, el Rockefeller Center se levantó durante el período de entreguerras porque nunca pensaron pudieran bombardear sus rascacielos que tuvieron que hacerse delgados en una cuarta parte y ahí está la Estatua de la Libertad que recibe a todo el que llega a la ciudad donde todos son inmigrantes habiendo echado a los residentes, y cuando los estadounidenses ocuparon durante dos años el mexicano Monterrey establecieron la primera siderurgia de América Latina pero las armas norteamericanas en su internacionalización han acabado por inficionar a sus vecinos hispanos luego también es el país del disparo a bocajarro y me pregunto cómo logran frenar estos conatos de los republicanos diablos.
Parece mentira que las imágenes de la Ilíada y la Odisea sigan vigentes en el Magreb y Oriente Medio en que los norteamericanos luchan enconadamente contra los troyanos, los persas y los tártaros.
La placa de base de nuestra retina son los Campos de Castilla por eso nos adaptamos tan bien a China y al mar de Java porque contrastamos con lo que tenemos y en nuestro conocimiento patrio nos apoyamos.
El escultor Luba de los hambrientos chinos del arrocito que les hacen el bugaka en sus tiendas a media luz a los de inspección de trabajo para arrastrar nuestros céntimos y hacer manitas con los euros.
Con un japonés apenas puedes hablar porque es muy reservado y con un chino tampoco puedes hablar de nada porque solo le interesan las moneditas pero aquel tiene más valor por la persona.
Los japoneses crearon la Sociedad de la Creación del Valor y durante un tiempo así se tostaron las rebanadas empresariales europeas y norteamericanas pero son ahora los chinos quienes emplean la técnica del shakubuku del romper y someter el barrio como termitas silenciosas de nuestros duros muebles castellanos.
Los políticos que quieren ser reelegidos cuando ya no se puede más debieran comprender que las grandes obras en beneficio de las comunidades debieran ser las calzadas y las murallas de las leyes para que con rapidez se eviten la desintegración y la ruina de los países.
Puedo pensar que eres un ejecutivo que lleva la camisa de Octavio Paz y que te dedicas a hacer poemas mientras no lo sepan en la Dirección o que te dedicas a cortar el cuello a esos que tanto detestas allá en lo alto de la empresa.
Es un día para no olvidarlo en la historia de la evolución, en que el hombre a pasos agigantados vuelve a ser un chimpancé, en el que Obama sube al avión presidencial Beagle para ir al mitin de los vikingos de Berlín y el progreso de la política Ango-Saxona en una estructura social compleja europea que ya no cree en Dios, ni en el progreso ni en una sociedad moral.
Enséñame a morir/ enséñame el camino a morir/ tu acento andaluz es vida/ vida que baila sobre la muerte,/ ámame con las románticas ideas de la arquitectura vampiresca y neogótica de Philadelphia/ que manía de ese japonés con el ritual del té y con que no voy a llegar a ningún sitio y que me suicide,/ como cuando Prusia unificó a los alemanes para el gran tanatorio europeo/ y los muertos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial ya determinaron lo que somos.
Todos esos rostros en las pantallas hablando en castellano pero que si hablaran en norteamericano los repeleríamos como a marines de los portaviones de las capitulaciones, y como nos horrorizaríamos si nos encontrásemos en Argentina con un oficial nazi alemán que ha exterminado a millones de judíos europeos porque no había más espacio social, y la eidética imagen que nos planteamos de los ciudadanos en la actualidad depende mucho de su desenvolvimiento en el juego diario con marcaje de puntos más que de si nos pueden beneficiar es más si no nos obligan a cargar con la gestión de su tiempo.
Fue en Nueva York donde se estableció la libertad de prensa y donde se terminó con la costumbre inglesa de castigar a todo el que criticara al gobierno, el Rockefeller Center se levantó durante el período de entreguerras porque nunca pensaron pudieran bombardear sus rascacielos que tuvieron que hacerse delgados en una cuarta parte y ahí está la Estatua de la Libertad que recibe a todo el que llega a la ciudad donde todos son inmigrantes habiendo echado a los residentes, y cuando los estadounidenses ocuparon durante dos años el mexicano Monterrey establecieron la primera siderurgia de América Latina pero las armas norteamericanas en su internacionalización han acabado por inficionar a sus vecinos hispanos luego también es el país del disparo a bocajarro y me pregunto cómo logran frenar estos conatos de los republicanos diablos.
En estos tiempos tan cómodos es más bonito un culo que la raja del coño.
Los niños deben quedarse a solas con los problemas para hacerse hombres, cogerán a la vaquilla por los cuernecitos y se levantarán diciéndole a su mamá basta ya con tus dramas.
El cordón umbilical une el feto a la placenta y a través de éste recibe alimentos y oxígeno de la madre al tiempo que elimina sus productos de desecho, y se corta en el nacimiento y la cicatriz resultante es el ombligo, y ya nos hemos olvidado que todos tenemos otro cordón publico con Dios.
Un feto puede sobrevivir y convertirse en un recién nacido pero en la batalla de Okinawa murieron cien mil de ellos, no es de extrañar que a los cuerpos de grasa se les dejen morir si no producen ni interesan a la sociedad aunque se entretengan en ir al cine y solo estén pendientes de la alimentación, del tiempo que va a hacer y de las emociones que les van a impactar en la semana, y que de seguro influirán en sus libidos adormecidas a la vejez y los convencionalismos, y estoy en contra como si tuviera un instinto de mujer del okupa del contrato matrimonial y que se curren todos la posición.
Como si no subiera nuestro semen con la lengua fuera por las trompas de Falopio y parece encima que damos la salvación a las hembras por los pelos como si ellas no pudieran hartarse a estornudos y vómitos de insultos a la inteligencia.
Todas las tarjetas bancarias para el bolso de Cinderella que tiene más bacterias que un retrete y que lo suelta como un pollo en la cama de Faisal que la llena de joyas, y toda la pérdida de la fe del amor romántico que queda para los caídos por la democracia que como faquires andaron en el fuego de la divina comedia y se quemaron de lleno.
Déjala a su bola,/ y déjala estar/ está menopáusica,/ hombre atormentado/ te ha tocado una buena/ no la vistes las pintas de cara de pan,/ de lo que iba a suceder,/ ya no tiene remedio,/ acostúmbrate a llevar sus pendientes en tus orejas/ y a llorar con sus polvos en tu ojos,/ hombre caramelo más te vale quedarte calvo/ para recibir las patadas en el culo/ y no saber donde tienes la cabeza/ si ahora arriba y ahora abajo.
Sabes que las mujeres tienen que ir a la joyería, sabes que los jóvenes ya no usan cinturones y se les caen los pantalones, sabes que padres puede haber muchos pero madre única, sabes que en mi casa no estás mejor que en un hotel ni en el colegio mejor que en la iglesia ni pidiendo que trabajando, sabes hoy pienso que el mundo marcha y tú no sabes lo rápido que va llevándose a la zaga los antiguos valores.
Nos volvemos tan repugnantes que a las mujeres solo las satisfacemos con oro y joyas y sexo,/ y nosotros también nos ponemos sus cadenitas y sus idolecillos,/ y ellas se tiñen el pelo de rubias para estar más esplendorosas,/ y su palabrería pringa como la miel en el recinto en que nos tienen,/ llenas todas de adornos y complementos,/ porque como próximas son nuestra esperanza ante la soledad y la muerte,/ aunque la emboscada nos resulte más amarga,/ y tengan la mentalidad de monjas robadoras de bebés,/ porque si el relincho anticipa el coito,/ y juramos sobre piedras tenerlas en nuestra mente,/ cuando los hombres se hicieron presa de los antojos del montecillo del clítoris,/ y si eso es la mujer,/ esa mujer que está caducada porque está más pintada que un jersey,/ porque algunas mujeres tienen dientes de bocadillo,/ de verdad ángel le dijo María alguna vez que era virgen o le mandó a la mierda cuando la diste el contrato del semen,/ el torero que mira al toro y que no es capaz de mirar a su esposa,/ en Atenas a los efebos se les espabilaba con un escudo y una espada,/ y los disgustos entre godas y francos no se pueden solucionar/ y entre cierto tipo de mujer que no sabemos de qué va con el hombre noble y agresivo que todos lo conocemos y que acampa por sus anchas como un demonio ejecutivo.
Los niños deben quedarse a solas con los problemas para hacerse hombres, cogerán a la vaquilla por los cuernecitos y se levantarán diciéndole a su mamá basta ya con tus dramas.
El cordón umbilical une el feto a la placenta y a través de éste recibe alimentos y oxígeno de la madre al tiempo que elimina sus productos de desecho, y se corta en el nacimiento y la cicatriz resultante es el ombligo, y ya nos hemos olvidado que todos tenemos otro cordón publico con Dios.
Un feto puede sobrevivir y convertirse en un recién nacido pero en la batalla de Okinawa murieron cien mil de ellos, no es de extrañar que a los cuerpos de grasa se les dejen morir si no producen ni interesan a la sociedad aunque se entretengan en ir al cine y solo estén pendientes de la alimentación, del tiempo que va a hacer y de las emociones que les van a impactar en la semana, y que de seguro influirán en sus libidos adormecidas a la vejez y los convencionalismos, y estoy en contra como si tuviera un instinto de mujer del okupa del contrato matrimonial y que se curren todos la posición.
Como si no subiera nuestro semen con la lengua fuera por las trompas de Falopio y parece encima que damos la salvación a las hembras por los pelos como si ellas no pudieran hartarse a estornudos y vómitos de insultos a la inteligencia.
Todas las tarjetas bancarias para el bolso de Cinderella que tiene más bacterias que un retrete y que lo suelta como un pollo en la cama de Faisal que la llena de joyas, y toda la pérdida de la fe del amor romántico que queda para los caídos por la democracia que como faquires andaron en el fuego de la divina comedia y se quemaron de lleno.
Déjala a su bola,/ y déjala estar/ está menopáusica,/ hombre atormentado/ te ha tocado una buena/ no la vistes las pintas de cara de pan,/ de lo que iba a suceder,/ ya no tiene remedio,/ acostúmbrate a llevar sus pendientes en tus orejas/ y a llorar con sus polvos en tu ojos,/ hombre caramelo más te vale quedarte calvo/ para recibir las patadas en el culo/ y no saber donde tienes la cabeza/ si ahora arriba y ahora abajo.
Sabes que las mujeres tienen que ir a la joyería, sabes que los jóvenes ya no usan cinturones y se les caen los pantalones, sabes que padres puede haber muchos pero madre única, sabes que en mi casa no estás mejor que en un hotel ni en el colegio mejor que en la iglesia ni pidiendo que trabajando, sabes hoy pienso que el mundo marcha y tú no sabes lo rápido que va llevándose a la zaga los antiguos valores.
Nos volvemos tan repugnantes que a las mujeres solo las satisfacemos con oro y joyas y sexo,/ y nosotros también nos ponemos sus cadenitas y sus idolecillos,/ y ellas se tiñen el pelo de rubias para estar más esplendorosas,/ y su palabrería pringa como la miel en el recinto en que nos tienen,/ llenas todas de adornos y complementos,/ porque como próximas son nuestra esperanza ante la soledad y la muerte,/ aunque la emboscada nos resulte más amarga,/ y tengan la mentalidad de monjas robadoras de bebés,/ porque si el relincho anticipa el coito,/ y juramos sobre piedras tenerlas en nuestra mente,/ cuando los hombres se hicieron presa de los antojos del montecillo del clítoris,/ y si eso es la mujer,/ esa mujer que está caducada porque está más pintada que un jersey,/ porque algunas mujeres tienen dientes de bocadillo,/ de verdad ángel le dijo María alguna vez que era virgen o le mandó a la mierda cuando la diste el contrato del semen,/ el torero que mira al toro y que no es capaz de mirar a su esposa,/ en Atenas a los efebos se les espabilaba con un escudo y una espada,/ y los disgustos entre godas y francos no se pueden solucionar/ y entre cierto tipo de mujer que no sabemos de qué va con el hombre noble y agresivo que todos lo conocemos y que acampa por sus anchas como un demonio ejecutivo.
June 19, 2013
Victim of the anti-Semitism of the Nazi regime in Germany whose diary written during two years of hiding made her personification of the martyred Jewish young.
Early in the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler the Frank parents and their two daughters took refuge in Amsterdam. In 1941 after German forces occupied The Netherlands, anne was compelled to transfer from a public to a Jewish school. Her teachers remembered her as a talkative, movie-loving, dreamy girl who showed little promise.
Faced with deportation (supposedly to a forced-labour camp) the Franks on July 9, 1942 went into hiding with four other Jews in the back-room office and warehouse of the father´s food-products business. Brought food by Gentiles on the floor below they lived silently in their secret annex until Aug. 4, 1944 when the Gestapo acting on a tip Dutch informers discovered them.
Sent to a succession of concentration camps all the Franks died (Anne of typhus) except the father who was hospitalized at Auschwitz when it was liberated by the Russians. On the hiding-place floor he founds stories Anne had written about elves, bears and an old dwarf -and the diary. He had it published in 1947 as Het Achterhuis (Eng. trans., The Diary of a Young Girl, 1953). Precocious in style and insight, it traces her emotional growth amid adversity and pleads, "In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart".
The diary has been widely read in more than 30 languages; in the United States it was made into a prize-winning play (by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett) and a motion picture.
The hiding place on the Prinsengracht Canal has become a museum and shrine.
In 1957 2,000 young Germans marched in rain to the camp where Anne had died.
Early in the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler the Frank parents and their two daughters took refuge in Amsterdam. In 1941 after German forces occupied The Netherlands, anne was compelled to transfer from a public to a Jewish school. Her teachers remembered her as a talkative, movie-loving, dreamy girl who showed little promise.
Faced with deportation (supposedly to a forced-labour camp) the Franks on July 9, 1942 went into hiding with four other Jews in the back-room office and warehouse of the father´s food-products business. Brought food by Gentiles on the floor below they lived silently in their secret annex until Aug. 4, 1944 when the Gestapo acting on a tip Dutch informers discovered them.
Sent to a succession of concentration camps all the Franks died (Anne of typhus) except the father who was hospitalized at Auschwitz when it was liberated by the Russians. On the hiding-place floor he founds stories Anne had written about elves, bears and an old dwarf -and the diary. He had it published in 1947 as Het Achterhuis (Eng. trans., The Diary of a Young Girl, 1953). Precocious in style and insight, it traces her emotional growth amid adversity and pleads, "In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart".
The diary has been widely read in more than 30 languages; in the United States it was made into a prize-winning play (by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett) and a motion picture.
The hiding place on the Prinsengracht Canal has become a museum and shrine.
In 1957 2,000 young Germans marched in rain to the camp where Anne had died.
JANET FRAME (1947-74)
A leading New Zealand writer.
Janet Frame was the daughter of a railway engineer and was educated in New Zealand.
Her first book The Lagoon (1951) was a collection of short stories expressing the sense of isolation and insecurity of those who feel they do not fit in a normal world.
It was followed by Scented Gardens for the Blind (1964). Owls Do Cry (1960) and experimental novel expanded upon the theme of the Lagoon.
Among her other works are Faces in the Water (1961), The Edge of the Alphabet (1962); Snowman, Snowman and Other Fables; The Reservoir and Other Stories (both 1963), The Adaptable Man (1965); and A state of Siege (1966).
A leading New Zealand writer.
Janet Frame was the daughter of a railway engineer and was educated in New Zealand.
Her first book The Lagoon (1951) was a collection of short stories expressing the sense of isolation and insecurity of those who feel they do not fit in a normal world.
It was followed by Scented Gardens for the Blind (1964). Owls Do Cry (1960) and experimental novel expanded upon the theme of the Lagoon.
Among her other works are Faces in the Water (1961), The Edge of the Alphabet (1962); Snowman, Snowman and Other Fables; The Reservoir and Other Stories (both 1963), The Adaptable Man (1965); and A state of Siege (1966).
Distinguished Humanist, martyr and prelate who devoted to the pope and to the Roman Catholic Church bravely resisted King Henry VIII of England by refusing to recognize royal supremacy and the abolish of papal jurisdiction over the English Church.
Ordained priest in 1491 he distinguished himself as scholar, preacher and administrator and won the patronage of Lady Margaret Beaufort, mother of King Henry VII of England. He became her confessor in 1497 and persuaded her to found a professorship of divinity (1503) at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge and to found Christ´s College (1505) and St. John´s at Cambridge. After her death in 1509 he took over at St. John´s effecting its final establishment in 1511.
In 1504 he was appointed chancellor of Cambridge and bishop of Rochester, Kent.
He encouraged Hebrew studies and in 1511 influenced his friend the great Humanist Desiderius Erasmus to teach at Cambridge. Much of Fisher´s work there was directed toward the training of scholarly priests and preachers.
With the advent of Lutheranism inn the 1520s Fisher began his work as a controversialist. His books in Latin against Lutheranism and allied doctrines considered heretical by the Roman Catholic Church gave him a European reputation as a theologian; he dramatically preached against contemporary heresies at St. Paul´s Cross in 1520 and in 1526.
In the House of Lords he strongly opposed any state interference in church affairs urging that the church should reform itself. When the validity of the marriage between Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon was first openly questioned in 1527 Henry and Cardinal Wolsey consulted Fisher; he incurred the King´s wrath when he defended Catherine in 1529, later publishing his defense and preaching in London on the Queen´s behalf. In 1531 he vehemently opposed the granting to Henry of the title Supreme Head of the Church and Clergy of England thus becoming an enemy of the Supremacy Act of 1534.
After Henry VIII´s marriage to Anne Boleyn had been declared valid in 1533 the English ecstatic Elizabeth Barton (the nun of Kent) uttered outspoken prophecies that agitated public disquiet over Henry´s matrimonial policy. Being among Elizabeth´s devotees Fisher was attacked by the King for supposedly not reporting her subversive prophecies and was thus condemned (March 17, 1534) for concealment of treason; a fine of 300 pounds was made in lieu of imprisonment. By this time the celebrated Humanist and ecclesiastic St. Thomas More, Fisher´s friend and colleague, had also fallen out of royal favour.
In March 1534 the Act of Succession declared Henry´s marriage to Catherine void and that with Anne valid. On the following April 13 Fisher and More jointly refused to take the oath required by the Act on the grounds that while willing to accept the succession as a proper matter for Parliament, they could not accept the rest of the Act, especially because it repudiated papal authority. They were imprisoned in the Tower of London; Fisher was already seriously ill.
The passing of the Supremacy and Treason acts at the end of the year made denial of the royal titles treasonable. On May 20, 1535 Pope Paul III created Fisher a cardinal which enraged Henry VIII and destroyed all hope for Fisher. He was called several times before councillors but refused to speak about the supremacy. In a conversation that was disguised as privileged the solicitor general Sir Richard Rich reportedly tricked Fisher into confiding that the king was not and could not be supreme head of the Church of England.
He was tried on June 17, condemned for treason and executed on Tower Hill. His head was displayed on London Bridge and the stripped body was removed from the scaffold and buried in the churchyard of All Hallows near the Tower. When More was similarly executed on July 6, Fisher´s body was removed and with that of More was reburied in the Church of St. Peter-ad-Vincula within the Tower.
Fisher was beatified by Pope Leo XIII in 1886 and canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1935. His feast day is July 9.
Ordained priest in 1491 he distinguished himself as scholar, preacher and administrator and won the patronage of Lady Margaret Beaufort, mother of King Henry VII of England. He became her confessor in 1497 and persuaded her to found a professorship of divinity (1503) at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge and to found Christ´s College (1505) and St. John´s at Cambridge. After her death in 1509 he took over at St. John´s effecting its final establishment in 1511.
In 1504 he was appointed chancellor of Cambridge and bishop of Rochester, Kent.
He encouraged Hebrew studies and in 1511 influenced his friend the great Humanist Desiderius Erasmus to teach at Cambridge. Much of Fisher´s work there was directed toward the training of scholarly priests and preachers.
With the advent of Lutheranism inn the 1520s Fisher began his work as a controversialist. His books in Latin against Lutheranism and allied doctrines considered heretical by the Roman Catholic Church gave him a European reputation as a theologian; he dramatically preached against contemporary heresies at St. Paul´s Cross in 1520 and in 1526.
In the House of Lords he strongly opposed any state interference in church affairs urging that the church should reform itself. When the validity of the marriage between Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon was first openly questioned in 1527 Henry and Cardinal Wolsey consulted Fisher; he incurred the King´s wrath when he defended Catherine in 1529, later publishing his defense and preaching in London on the Queen´s behalf. In 1531 he vehemently opposed the granting to Henry of the title Supreme Head of the Church and Clergy of England thus becoming an enemy of the Supremacy Act of 1534.
After Henry VIII´s marriage to Anne Boleyn had been declared valid in 1533 the English ecstatic Elizabeth Barton (the nun of Kent) uttered outspoken prophecies that agitated public disquiet over Henry´s matrimonial policy. Being among Elizabeth´s devotees Fisher was attacked by the King for supposedly not reporting her subversive prophecies and was thus condemned (March 17, 1534) for concealment of treason; a fine of 300 pounds was made in lieu of imprisonment. By this time the celebrated Humanist and ecclesiastic St. Thomas More, Fisher´s friend and colleague, had also fallen out of royal favour.
In March 1534 the Act of Succession declared Henry´s marriage to Catherine void and that with Anne valid. On the following April 13 Fisher and More jointly refused to take the oath required by the Act on the grounds that while willing to accept the succession as a proper matter for Parliament, they could not accept the rest of the Act, especially because it repudiated papal authority. They were imprisoned in the Tower of London; Fisher was already seriously ill.
The passing of the Supremacy and Treason acts at the end of the year made denial of the royal titles treasonable. On May 20, 1535 Pope Paul III created Fisher a cardinal which enraged Henry VIII and destroyed all hope for Fisher. He was called several times before councillors but refused to speak about the supremacy. In a conversation that was disguised as privileged the solicitor general Sir Richard Rich reportedly tricked Fisher into confiding that the king was not and could not be supreme head of the Church of England.
He was tried on June 17, condemned for treason and executed on Tower Hill. His head was displayed on London Bridge and the stripped body was removed from the scaffold and buried in the churchyard of All Hallows near the Tower. When More was similarly executed on July 6, Fisher´s body was removed and with that of More was reburied in the Church of St. Peter-ad-Vincula within the Tower.
Fisher was beatified by Pope Leo XIII in 1886 and canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1935. His feast day is July 9.
Historian and philosopher who popularized European evolutionary theory in the United States and attempted to apply that theory to an optimistic theory of inevitable historical progress.
Fiske´s idea of the American segment of man´s larger history as the latest development in humanity´s progress provides one of the most optimistic post-Darwinian expressions of an American faith in God, progress and a moral society.
After graduation from Harvard Law School in 1865 Fiske briefly practiced law in Boston before turning to writing. In 1860 he had encountered the works of Herber Spencer, the British thinker who adapted the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin to aspects of philosophy. Deeply impressed by their ideas he attempted to incorporate them into his own writings.
A visit to Europe (1873-74) provided him the opportunity to meet and talk at length with Darwin, Spencer and Thomas Henry Huxley, a distinguished biologist and writer on the theory of evolution. The result was the publication in 1874 of Fiske´s Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy, an exposition of evolutionary doctrine well received both at home and abroad.
Around 1880 his interests turned to U.S. history as interpreted in the light of evolutionary theory and from 1885 to 1990 he lectured and published voluminous works on the U.S. colonial and revolutionary periods.
Although Fiske´s contemporaries viewed his ideas as suspiciously irreligious, his purpose in Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy was to spiritualize an evolutionary interpretation and to posit a transcendental direction and order in historical evolution, thus reconciling theology and science. The same belief in inevitable progress through evolutionary change prevailed in his interpretation of U.S. history.
One of his most important books on colonial history The Critical Period of American History 1783-1789 (1888) proposed that evolutionary progress in history, through the development of Anglo-Saxon political federalism, appears as the movement toward an increasingly complex social structure.
Fiske´s idea of the American segment of man´s larger history as the latest development in humanity´s progress provides one of the most optimistic post-Darwinian expressions of an American faith in God, progress and a moral society.
After graduation from Harvard Law School in 1865 Fiske briefly practiced law in Boston before turning to writing. In 1860 he had encountered the works of Herber Spencer, the British thinker who adapted the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin to aspects of philosophy. Deeply impressed by their ideas he attempted to incorporate them into his own writings.
A visit to Europe (1873-74) provided him the opportunity to meet and talk at length with Darwin, Spencer and Thomas Henry Huxley, a distinguished biologist and writer on the theory of evolution. The result was the publication in 1874 of Fiske´s Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy, an exposition of evolutionary doctrine well received both at home and abroad.
Around 1880 his interests turned to U.S. history as interpreted in the light of evolutionary theory and from 1885 to 1990 he lectured and published voluminous works on the U.S. colonial and revolutionary periods.
Although Fiske´s contemporaries viewed his ideas as suspiciously irreligious, his purpose in Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy was to spiritualize an evolutionary interpretation and to posit a transcendental direction and order in historical evolution, thus reconciling theology and science. The same belief in inevitable progress through evolutionary change prevailed in his interpretation of U.S. history.
One of his most important books on colonial history The Critical Period of American History 1783-1789 (1888) proposed that evolutionary progress in history, through the development of Anglo-Saxon political federalism, appears as the movement toward an increasingly complex social structure.
Naval officer, hydrographer and meteorologist who commanded the voyage of HMS "Beagle" which sailed around the world with Charles Darwin aboard as naturalist.
The voyage provided Darwin with much of the material on which he based his theory of evolution.
Fitzrey entered the Royal Navy in 1819 and after service in the Mediterranean and in South American waters received command of the 240-ton brig Beagle in 1828. He surveyed the South American coast around Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego returning to England in 1830.
on Dec. 27, 1831 Fitzroy sailed from Portsmouth in the Beagle with Darwin aboard. The expedition visited the Cape Verde Islands, the South American coast, the Strait of Magellan, the Galápagos Islands, Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia, the Maldives and Mauritius before returnig to England on Oct, 2, 1836.
In 1839 Fitzroy published two volumes of Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of His Majesty´s Ships Adventure and Beagle Between the Years 1826 and 1836, Describing Their Examination of the Southern Shores of South America and the Beagle´s Circumnavigation of the Globe. a third volume, popularly known as The Voyage of the Beagle was published by Darwin in 1839.
A member of Parliament for Durham (1841) Fitzroy became governor of New Zealand in 1843 but was recalled in 1845 largely bacause he contended that Maori land claims were as valid as those of the settlers.
He retired from active duty in 1850 but from 1854 devoted himself to meteorology.
He devised a storm warning system that was the prototype of the daily wealther forecast, invented a barometer and published The Weather Book (1863).
During mental turmoil he committed suicide.
The voyage provided Darwin with much of the material on which he based his theory of evolution.
Fitzrey entered the Royal Navy in 1819 and after service in the Mediterranean and in South American waters received command of the 240-ton brig Beagle in 1828. He surveyed the South American coast around Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego returning to England in 1830.
on Dec. 27, 1831 Fitzroy sailed from Portsmouth in the Beagle with Darwin aboard. The expedition visited the Cape Verde Islands, the South American coast, the Strait of Magellan, the Galápagos Islands, Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia, the Maldives and Mauritius before returnig to England on Oct, 2, 1836.
In 1839 Fitzroy published two volumes of Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of His Majesty´s Ships Adventure and Beagle Between the Years 1826 and 1836, Describing Their Examination of the Southern Shores of South America and the Beagle´s Circumnavigation of the Globe. a third volume, popularly known as The Voyage of the Beagle was published by Darwin in 1839.
A member of Parliament for Durham (1841) Fitzroy became governor of New Zealand in 1843 but was recalled in 1845 largely bacause he contended that Maori land claims were as valid as those of the settlers.
He retired from active duty in 1850 but from 1854 devoted himself to meteorology.
He devised a storm warning system that was the prototype of the daily wealther forecast, invented a barometer and published The Weather Book (1863).
During mental turmoil he committed suicide.
One of the Muslim India´s most famous writers.
Very little about his life is known except that he was captain of the guard to Murtazá Nizám Sháh, Muslim Indian ruler of Ahmadnagar (1565-88). It was during this period that Firishtah conceived his history of Indo-Muslim rulers and saints which he wrote under the patronage of Ibrahim II, Adil Shah, ruler of Bijapur in the Deccan (1579-1626) whose service he entered in 1589.
Written in Persian this history is called Golshan-e Ebrahimi (The Garden of Ibrahim). It is also known under the title Tarikh-e Fereshteh (Firishtah´s Chronicle). The second of the two versions in which it was written often appears under still another title the Nowras-nameh (New Book). The history covers the famous Muslim rulers of India from the 10th century to the time of the author and also contains an introduction with information concerning the famous Hindu rulers of the time, Hindu history and a geography of the lands Hindu control.
The work lost its status as an authority for early Indo-Muslim history, especially after historical criticism developed and independent copies of the Indo-Persian histories on which it was based became available.
Firishtah´s chronicle remains a valuable source for the history of the Muslim Deccan where he served. He is also known for his medical treatise which is concerned with pharmacology and therapy techniques and which also contains information on physiology and the munours. It appears under two titles, Dastur ol-Atebba (Memorandum for Doctors) and Ekhtiarat-e Qasemi (Selections by Qasim).
Very little about his life is known except that he was captain of the guard to Murtazá Nizám Sháh, Muslim Indian ruler of Ahmadnagar (1565-88). It was during this period that Firishtah conceived his history of Indo-Muslim rulers and saints which he wrote under the patronage of Ibrahim II, Adil Shah, ruler of Bijapur in the Deccan (1579-1626) whose service he entered in 1589.
Written in Persian this history is called Golshan-e Ebrahimi (The Garden of Ibrahim). It is also known under the title Tarikh-e Fereshteh (Firishtah´s Chronicle). The second of the two versions in which it was written often appears under still another title the Nowras-nameh (New Book). The history covers the famous Muslim rulers of India from the 10th century to the time of the author and also contains an introduction with information concerning the famous Hindu rulers of the time, Hindu history and a geography of the lands Hindu control.
The work lost its status as an authority for early Indo-Muslim history, especially after historical criticism developed and independent copies of the Indo-Persian histories on which it was based became available.
Firishtah´s chronicle remains a valuable source for the history of the Muslim Deccan where he served. He is also known for his medical treatise which is concerned with pharmacology and therapy techniques and which also contains information on physiology and the munours. It appears under two titles, Dastur ol-Atebba (Memorandum for Doctors) and Ekhtiarat-e Qasemi (Selections by Qasim).
Sal y salta del autobús en
Callao,/ e ingrésame el dinero en Gayarre/ y cóseme el roto en Pontejos.
Cómo me gustan las mujeres/
en su forma campaniforme/ qué no ha podido pasar con ellas/ con esos culitos de
fresa/ y esos cuellos de nata,/ esos pechos de meseta, / y esas piernas de
Escucho lo que el pueblo
dice en las calles de Madrid y otros lugares de Iberia, los periodistas me dan
la información con las noticias, los libros y las enciclopedias me proponen
nuevos pensamientos, luego el enconamiento social me perfila el ribete de las
proposiciones creativas, y el inconsciente añade de sobra y detalle, pero
sobretodo el tiempo con periodos de descanso y de vacaciones y una crisis pueden
ser un medio y un principio de inspiración donde se resuelve la tensión de
oposición del individuo al colectivo.
Los españoles de la Rojita
siempre hemos estado forcejeando con la Fronda francesa y un millonario
parisino paga para que las bandadas de rumanos estén en Madrid y otro ruso para
que no estén en Moscú pero igual que los españoles paseamos con la frente en alto
ellos tienen que disimularla no sea que en la tentativa de luces se la metamos
para dentro y con las orejas gachas como con los mañicos y los charros.
Un cartel de anuncio con una
mujer bikini y otro con una pizza me indican que no estoy en los Emiratos
Árabes sino en un madrileño boulevard de Juan Bravo donde la moda se mezcla con
el gourmet y las señoras acadauladas de Cáritas como si la crisis no hubiera
recorrido las casas opulentas más que para asustar un poco como en los cuentos
de infancia con esos juguetes y esos techos tan altos en los cuartos.
Entró uno en el Ministerio
que tenía pinta de Gadafi y Mickael Jackson y se puso a desbarrar con acento
entre argentino y griego y dijo que en su día él fue del Estado y que por tanto
sus labores se las tenían que hacer otros según le enseñaron en la Enciclopedia
de Ciencias Sociales cuando estudió en la facultad de políticas junto a La
Moncloa y la carretera de El Pardo y que lo de la soberanía popular y lo de la
igualdad civil no lo eran para su caso.
Las hijas de Freud y de
Charlot eran amigas del (futing y fulling: neologismo que quiere decir “follón
mal hecho que se recorre con la alternancia de las piernas para andar y el sexo”)
fluir mental y del fricativo del inconsciente en toda una época de impunidad
criminal y si en esta época de la embajada de Obama las miradas se fijan en
nosotros como escarfios (neologismo que quiere decir “escarificadores garfios”)
por el hormiguero del Metro y si tú eres demasiado judío como para llevar un
traje de ejecutivo y poco sudamericano como para elegir un traje pastel, te diré
que entre un padre fumigador y una mujer feminista y una secretaria inglesa que
no se aseaba acabaré mis días de padre lunecico y miercolino hasta el gorro en el
balneario de Caldea y el Valle de Arán porque si ellos olían a tierra mojada de
playa y a escalopines empanados del Hotel Villamagna yo no voy detrás de ellos
porque creo que a los indios cochiches les hicimos en la historia mucha pupa.
A esa bailarina Miss Loie Fuller la regalaron una falda transparente china de seda y se inventó en Paris la serpentina Danza del Fuego con la que atrajo la atención de artistas tales como Toulouse-Lautrec, Jules Chéret y Auguste Rodin y ella además había nacido en el mismo burgo de su apellido.
A esa bailarina Miss Loie Fuller la regalaron una falda transparente china de seda y se inventó en Paris la serpentina Danza del Fuego con la que atrajo la atención de artistas tales como Toulouse-Lautrec, Jules Chéret y Auguste Rodin y ella además había nacido en el mismo burgo de su apellido.
June 17, 2013
Footing: Ejercicio consistente en correr relajadamente, sin esfuerzo competitivo.
Todos están cargados de veneno por el trabajo, por la indefinición, por la envidia... algunos se han liberado y relajado. Otros lo han resuelto echándole un lazo de apresamiento y detención lograda y conseguida del ciervo, al que no han logrado aniquilar pero se le ha hecho mucho daño y más...
Con esta temperatura primaveral de junio estás tan despreocupado y desinhibido que habrá que volver a las formas del torso de fin de verano.
Hay muchos municipios de Madrid donde hablan a base de tacos pero esto no ocurre en mi Alcobendas donde hay centros de lectura y donde tampoco andan como garrulos porque hay academias de baile donde se enseña la elegancia de los movimientos.
De la misma manera que los ricos prepotentes se llevan bien con los políticos, el pueblo intercala tacos en las conversaciones que parece que lo importante es el miembro viril, la gilipollez, comérselo todo con patatas, el escurrirse de patas abajo, el ser hijo de la puta pública, y no pedir más que lo que te den, donde son las dos caras de la misma moneda donde unos lucen esplendor y otros chirriez pero tú en el canto no estás a gusto con ninguno de los dos.
Los que se empeñaron en poner nombres de la realeza a los hospitales de Madrid resulta que estos príncipes e infantas no funcionan e invitan a hacerse pacientes de un Estado Soviet ya que no Helvético, y lo del certificado de calidad Iso es eso que en los pasillos oficinescos está amañado con los amiguetes de lo privado y la Administración Tijera.
Ya no nos acordamos que hubo tiempos en que Francia hacía pruebas atómicas en el atolón de Mururoa, tampoco concebimos el gran tráfico aéreo que tiene Tokio, y sentados en el sofá de nuestra covacha pasamos la velada viendo en la tele Águila Roja y Juego de Tronos, y así vemos pasar el cielo por nuestra ventana y la civilización virtual con las noticias esperando a que un día ya viejos llamen a la puerta los de la ambulancia para llevarnos al hospital, pero eso sí lo tendremos todo recogidito y nos iremos ligeros de equipaje, y esto de tocarnos el futuro de las pensiones ya es una eutanasia activa.
Después de darme un baño en Málaga me duché con agua fría con los limones del caribe y regresé a Madrid y me di cuenta de que estaba en la misma miseria de todos los días con miles de oficinistas yendo a los trabajos urticantes y que alguna vez todo pasaría como cuando el asombro de la crisis y cuando los inspectores de la ONU revisaron la forma de vivir que teníamos todos en el mundo conocido y pusieron el panfleto a debatir de la Utopía.
A su muerte Onassis poseía la mayor flota mercante del mundo de tanto darle a la manivela de las conversaciones de negocios con los japoneses y los coroneles griegos incluso se casó con la viuda Jacqueline Kennedy que no me extraña que saliera por patas del carruaje al que acertó el francotirador Oswald cosa que no hubiera hecho la esposa de Suárez ni la de Carrillo que no se hubieran movido del sitio y les hubieran como buenas señoras dado cobijo bajo su pecho pero qué se le pueden pedir a unas piernas de maniquí de estrellitizia.
Roman legal writer and politician who made public the technical rules of legal procedure which had been kept secrets by the patricians and the pontifices (advisers to the king, dictator or emperor) so that they could maintain their advantage over the plebeians.
Flavius learned procedure while serving as secretary to Appius Claudius Caecus, censor and later consul.
In about 304 BC he published his findings which became known as the Jus Flavianum. From this work the Roman people for the first time could learn the legis actiones or verbal formulas required to maintain legal proceedings and the dies fasti or specified days on which proceedings could be instituted.
His resultings popularity caused him to be chosen for several public offices including that of senator. In 304 BC he was made curule aedile (magistrate of public buildings and works) over the protests of the nobles who despised him because he had weakened their power and because he was lowborn, the son of a freedman.
Flavius learned procedure while serving as secretary to Appius Claudius Caecus, censor and later consul.
In about 304 BC he published his findings which became known as the Jus Flavianum. From this work the Roman people for the first time could learn the legis actiones or verbal formulas required to maintain legal proceedings and the dies fasti or specified days on which proceedings could be instituted.
His resultings popularity caused him to be chosen for several public offices including that of senator. In 304 BC he was made curule aedile (magistrate of public buildings and works) over the protests of the nobles who despised him because he had weakened their power and because he was lowborn, the son of a freedman.
Physician and epidemiologist who discovered that yellow fever is transmitted from infected to healthy human hosts by a mosquito.
Although he presented experimental evidence obtained from controlled infection of human volunteers by mosquito carriers in 1881 (published in 1886), his ideas were ignored for 20 years.
A graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia (1855) he returned to Cuba where he practiced in Matanzas and Havana.
In 1879 he was appointed by the Cuban government to work with the North American commission studying the causes of yellow fever and two years later he was chosen to attend the fith International Sanitary Conference in Washington as the Cuban delegate. At the conference Finlay urged study of yellow fever and soon afterward he stated that the carrier was the mosquito Culex fasciatus, later called Stegomyia fasciata, now known as Aëdes aegypti.
In 1900 the U.S. Army Yellow Fever Board headed by the physician Walter Reed arrived in Cuba and Finlay attempted to persuade Reed of his mosquito-vector theory. Although skeptical Reed decided to investigate the idea refining Finlay´s experimental procedures. Reed´s proof of mosquito transmission of yellow fever (1900) and William Gorgas eradication of the disease in Cuba and Panama followed.
Finlay was appointed chief sanitation officer of Cuba (1902-09) and after his death the Finlay Institute for Investigations in Tropical Medicine was created in his honour by the Cuban government.
Although he presented experimental evidence obtained from controlled infection of human volunteers by mosquito carriers in 1881 (published in 1886), his ideas were ignored for 20 years.
A graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia (1855) he returned to Cuba where he practiced in Matanzas and Havana.
In 1879 he was appointed by the Cuban government to work with the North American commission studying the causes of yellow fever and two years later he was chosen to attend the fith International Sanitary Conference in Washington as the Cuban delegate. At the conference Finlay urged study of yellow fever and soon afterward he stated that the carrier was the mosquito Culex fasciatus, later called Stegomyia fasciata, now known as Aëdes aegypti.
In 1900 the U.S. Army Yellow Fever Board headed by the physician Walter Reed arrived in Cuba and Finlay attempted to persuade Reed of his mosquito-vector theory. Although skeptical Reed decided to investigate the idea refining Finlay´s experimental procedures. Reed´s proof of mosquito transmission of yellow fever (1900) and William Gorgas eradication of the disease in Cuba and Panama followed.
Finlay was appointed chief sanitation officer of Cuba (1902-09) and after his death the Finlay Institute for Investigations in Tropical Medicine was created in his honour by the Cuban government.
June 13, 2013
Irish Roman Catholic nobleman who led two unsuccessful uprising against English rule in the province of Munster in southwest Ireland.
In 1568 following the arrest and imprisonment of his cousin Gerald Fitzgerald, 14th earl of Desmond, on charges of resisting the authority of England´s Queen Elizabeth I, Fitzmaurice was proclaimed leader of the Fitzgeralds of Munster.
Allying with his family´s traditional rivals, the Butlers, he initiated an uprising against the English in 1569 but by 1573 he had given up the struggle and accepted a pardon.
In 1575 Fitzmaurice travelled to the Continent to seek support for the Irish Roman Catholic cause. Philip II of Spain and Pope Gregory XIII both encouraged his plan for a Catholic invasion of Ireland but offered almost no material aid.
Fitzmaurice landed at Dingle in Munster on July 18, 1579 with a small force of Italians and Spaniards.
Within a month he was betrayed -at the instigation of the Emglish- by several of his followers and killed in a skirmish. The rebellion was not completely quelled until 1583.
Irish Roman Catholic nobleman who led two unsuccessful uprising against English rule in the province of Munster in southwest Ireland.
In 1568 following the arrest and imprisonment of his cousin Gerald Fitzgerald, 14th earl of Desmond, on charges of resisting the authority of England´s Queen Elizabeth I, Fitzmaurice was proclaimed leader of the Fitzgeralds of Munster.
Allying with his family´s traditional rivals, the Butlers, he initiated an uprising against the English in 1569 but by 1573 he had given up the struggle and accepted a pardon.
In 1575 Fitzmaurice travelled to the Continent to seek support for the Irish Roman Catholic cause. Philip II of Spain and Pope Gregory XIII both encouraged his plan for a Catholic invasion of Ireland but offered almost no material aid.
Fitzmaurice landed at Dingle in Munster on July 18, 1579 with a small force of Italians and Spaniards.
Within a month he was betrayed -at the instigation of the Emglish- by several of his followers and killed in a skirmish. The rebellion was not completely quelled until 1583.
June 12, 2013
Also Known as FINN MACCOOL.
In ancient Irish literature, the legendary leader of the Fianna Éireann, a band of skilled hunters and warrior-poets who flourished in Ireland during the 3rd century and whose exploits are celebrated in the Fenian cycle of tales.
A heroic and kingly figure, wise and sensitive to the beauties of nature, Finn was a popular hero as early as the 7th century.
He was the son of Cumhail (Cool) and a descendent of a high-ranking druid.
Raised in a forest he earned the name Finn (The Fair) and triumphed over Goll MacMorna, his father´s murderer;
becoming the son-in-law of Cormac mac Art, the great pagan king, Finn assumed leadership of the Fianna.
The father of Oisín, the poet, Finn is credited with the authorship of many of the long descriptive Ossianic ballads.
In ancient Irish literature, the legendary leader of the Fianna Éireann, a band of skilled hunters and warrior-poets who flourished in Ireland during the 3rd century and whose exploits are celebrated in the Fenian cycle of tales.
A heroic and kingly figure, wise and sensitive to the beauties of nature, Finn was a popular hero as early as the 7th century.
He was the son of Cumhail (Cool) and a descendent of a high-ranking druid.
Raised in a forest he earned the name Finn (The Fair) and triumphed over Goll MacMorna, his father´s murderer;
becoming the son-in-law of Cormac mac Art, the great pagan king, Finn assumed leadership of the Fianna.
The father of Oisín, the poet, Finn is credited with the authorship of many of the long descriptive Ossianic ballads.
Portuguese traveller to West Africa whose seven-month stay among the nomads of Río de Oro, later in the Spanish Sahara, supplied Prince Henry the Navigator with intelligence for advancing Portuguese slave trade.
In 1445 Fernandes went with a Portuguese trading ship to the Río de Oro, at a latitude of about 23º N. When a Moorish trader wished to return with the ship to Portugal to investigate trade possibilities. Fernandes volunteered to remain as a hostage with his family. He was welcomed by the nomad sheep herders of the region.
Taken south across the desert to visit an old patriarch, Fernandes found that the nomads obtained their slaves from Negro kings who raided other tribes.
Upon his return to Portugal he furnished Prince Henry with detailed information of the western Sahara and the trade with the Guinea Coast from about 15º N to 15º S.
In 1446 and 1447 Fernandes again visited Río de Oro to make trade arrangements.
As a result the Portuguese ceased the hazardous raiding of the African coast for slaves and from 1448 made profitable slavetrading agreements with Moorish and Negro chiefs.
In 1445 Fernandes went with a Portuguese trading ship to the Río de Oro, at a latitude of about 23º N. When a Moorish trader wished to return with the ship to Portugal to investigate trade possibilities. Fernandes volunteered to remain as a hostage with his family. He was welcomed by the nomad sheep herders of the region.
Taken south across the desert to visit an old patriarch, Fernandes found that the nomads obtained their slaves from Negro kings who raided other tribes.
Upon his return to Portugal he furnished Prince Henry with detailed information of the western Sahara and the trade with the Guinea Coast from about 15º N to 15º S.
In 1446 and 1447 Fernandes again visited Río de Oro to make trade arrangements.
As a result the Portuguese ceased the hazardous raiding of the African coast for slaves and from 1448 made profitable slavetrading agreements with Moorish and Negro chiefs.
Irish pianist and composer whose nocturnes for piano were among models used by Chopin.
He first studied music at home with his father and grandfather and afterward in LOndon with Muzio Clementi under whose tuition given in return for Field´s services as a piano demonstrator and salesman, the boy made rapid progress.
In 1802 Clementi took Field to Paris and later to Germany and Russia. Field quickly secured recognition as a pianist and composer and in 1803 settled in Russia becoming for a time a popular and fashionable teacher. He played extensively throughout Europe during the next 30 years and had great success with one of his E flat piano concerti at a Philharmonic Society concert in London in 1832.
Accounts of his playing, written by professional colleagues, leave no doubt of his individuality and mastery. He is credited with being one of the earliest to develop the use of the sustaining pedal, both in the prescription of its for his music and in his own performance.
Born 30 years before Chopin, Field was one of the earliest of the purely piano virtuosos and his style and technique strinkingly anticipated those of Chopin.
A romantic and individual musician he was at his best in shorter pieces where his expressive melodies and his imaginative harmonies, often chromatic, were not exposed to the strain of long development.
Field wrote seven piano concerti and four sonatas inn which high quality is often apparent but not consistently maintained. In the nocturnes, more concise and intimate than his larger works, Field´s music is distinguished in style and varied in mood.
He first studied music at home with his father and grandfather and afterward in LOndon with Muzio Clementi under whose tuition given in return for Field´s services as a piano demonstrator and salesman, the boy made rapid progress.
In 1802 Clementi took Field to Paris and later to Germany and Russia. Field quickly secured recognition as a pianist and composer and in 1803 settled in Russia becoming for a time a popular and fashionable teacher. He played extensively throughout Europe during the next 30 years and had great success with one of his E flat piano concerti at a Philharmonic Society concert in London in 1832.
Accounts of his playing, written by professional colleagues, leave no doubt of his individuality and mastery. He is credited with being one of the earliest to develop the use of the sustaining pedal, both in the prescription of its for his music and in his own performance.
Born 30 years before Chopin, Field was one of the earliest of the purely piano virtuosos and his style and technique strinkingly anticipated those of Chopin.
A romantic and individual musician he was at his best in shorter pieces where his expressive melodies and his imaginative harmonies, often chromatic, were not exposed to the strain of long development.
Field wrote seven piano concerti and four sonatas inn which high quality is often apparent but not consistently maintained. In the nocturnes, more concise and intimate than his larger works, Field´s music is distinguished in style and varied in mood.
June 10, 2013
Yo os anuncio: La locura que llega a Todos.
Cómo acallar todo esto como si con un cachete se pudiera poner en su sitio al hombre y al niño.
Mientras hay mucha soledad y muchas personas no encuentran sentido a la vida, están desorientadas y padecen de ansiedad y de depresión.
Mientras cerca de la mitad de los españoles gasta impulsivamente y lo pasa mal a final de mes.
Mientras ante la crisis los hogares compran menos ropa y comida.
Madres biológicas se convierten por dinero en madres de alquiler y dan sus hijos a otras. Un padre estampa a su bebé contra la pared porque ya no aguantaba más su llanto. Una pareja deja encerrados en casa con llave a sus pequeños de seis y ocho años para irse de copas. Otros encerrados en los coches tienen menos suerte. Hijos violados por sus padres. Incluso los nietos violan a las abuelas. Cientos de detenidos por pornografía infantil. Dos cuñados que se intercambian a las sobrinas para prácticas sexuales. Padres que tiran los bebés a los cubos de basura. Niñas con diez años que se quedan preñadas por adolescentes.
Niños de diez años con sobrepeso por la alimentación excesiva y desequilibrada que le dan sus padres. Y una escuela del Carmel cifra en un cinco por ciento los niños que se van a la cama con el estómago vacío.
En Asia descartan a las niñas antes de nacer por lo que faltan la mitad de las mujeres para esa población. Y las prostitutas pagan impuestos. Y las mujeres abortan a tuti-pleni en las clínicas barcelonesas de Morín.
Mientras desaparecen en masa las mujeres que son asesinadas en Ciudad Juárez. Mientras se recogen miles de firmas para impedir el topless en las playas de Alicante. Mientras la mitad de las parejas no duran juntas más de cinco años.
Uno intenta suicidarse por el fracaso de su primer matrimonio. Un hombre mata a toda una generación: a su suegra y a su mujer embarazada de una niña. Por el efecto llamada, otro hombre mata a su mujer y luego se ahorca. Otros se tiran por la ventana. Incluso abuelos que matan a sus señoras.
Y un matrimonio detenido por la Guardia Civil al acuchillar la mujer al marido por intentar violarla.
¿Qué está pasando?¿Qué se puede hacer?
June 08, 2013
Francisco dijo ayer que nunca quiso ser Papa y que se aloja
en la residencia de Santa Marta y no en el apartamento pontificio porque necesita
estar entre la gente, “por motivos psicológicos, porque no puedo estar solo”.
Bergoglio hizo estas declaraciones en un encuentro con 9.000 alumnos de
colegios jesuitas de Italia, Albania y otros países. Uno de ellos le preguntó
si siempre quiso ser el Sumo Pontífice. “Una persona que quiere ser Papa no se
quiere a sí misma”, le contestó. “No, yo no quería ser Papa”.
En 1279 el papa Nicolás III señaló que la renuncia a los bienes en comunidad podía ser un camino de salvación en consonancia con las teorías propugnadas por los franciscanos.
El teólogo franciscano francés Pierre Olieu Olivi (conocido en España como Pedro Juan) pretendió convertir esta decisión en irrevocable y redactó la primera defensa teológica de la infalibilidad papal en cuestiones de fe y costumbres aunque en 1283 durante el papado de Martín IV tuvo que retractarse.
Cuando Juan XXII tomó una decisión opuesta a la de Nicolás III los franciscanos espirituales apelaron a su teología de la infalibilidad papal que fue condenada por el pontífice como "obra del diablo" en su bula Qui quorundam (1324).
Árbol cultivado cuyos frutos son las aceitunas. Crece muy lentamente y llega a vivir siglos, aunque no suele alcanzar más de 10 m de altura. Su tronco, que puede ser muy grueso y retorcido en los ejemplares viejos, soporta una copa densa, baja y extendida. Las hojas salen de las ramas en parejas de opuestas, son persistentes y tienen textura coriácea, peciolo corto y una lámina lanceolada, con los bordes lisos, verde grisácea por el haz y blanquecina por el envés. Las flores se agrupan en pequeños racimos en las axilas de las hojas y tienen una corola tubular abierta en cuatro lóbulos. El fruto, la aceituna, es una drupa carnosa, de forma oval, con un hueso duro en el interior que protege a la semilla. Al principio la aceituna es de color verde, pero se vuelve negro cuando madura. La parte carnosa es comestible y muy rica en aceite.
En 1279 el papa Nicolás III señaló que la renuncia a los bienes en comunidad podía ser un camino de salvación en consonancia con las teorías propugnadas por los franciscanos.
El teólogo franciscano francés Pierre Olieu Olivi (conocido en España como Pedro Juan) pretendió convertir esta decisión en irrevocable y redactó la primera defensa teológica de la infalibilidad papal en cuestiones de fe y costumbres aunque en 1283 durante el papado de Martín IV tuvo que retractarse.
Cuando Juan XXII tomó una decisión opuesta a la de Nicolás III los franciscanos espirituales apelaron a su teología de la infalibilidad papal que fue condenada por el pontífice como "obra del diablo" en su bula Qui quorundam (1324).
Árbol cultivado cuyos frutos son las aceitunas. Crece muy lentamente y llega a vivir siglos, aunque no suele alcanzar más de 10 m de altura. Su tronco, que puede ser muy grueso y retorcido en los ejemplares viejos, soporta una copa densa, baja y extendida. Las hojas salen de las ramas en parejas de opuestas, son persistentes y tienen textura coriácea, peciolo corto y una lámina lanceolada, con los bordes lisos, verde grisácea por el haz y blanquecina por el envés. Las flores se agrupan en pequeños racimos en las axilas de las hojas y tienen una corola tubular abierta en cuatro lóbulos. El fruto, la aceituna, es una drupa carnosa, de forma oval, con un hueso duro en el interior que protege a la semilla. Al principio la aceituna es de color verde, pero se vuelve negro cuando madura. La parte carnosa es comestible y muy rica en aceite.
Debemos recordar cómo éramos en nuestra infancia en que niños con un grave defecto físico solo teníamos a un amigo del colegio Jesús y otros tantos extraordinarios amigos para ir probando, y nuestra madre velaba por nosotros, y con esos cimientos de cruz y caridad con nosotros ... ahora nos hemos convertido en unos fatuos e insolentes presumidos que han olvidado cuán justo apretando estuvo el estigma en que no nos veíamos en el espejo pero seguíamos danzando pero no la debilidad de un Dios junto a nosotros tras mucho esperar en el doloroso caminar de la salvación, y esas tormentas de suerte..., y encima lo mucho errados y poco acertados hemos estado después por una gloria sobrevenida que trastocó todo el estado de cosas y que ahora decae por su peso, si Él ya no va a estar más a nuestro lado como en Irlanda, y por eso debemos pues volver a los sentimientos puros de niños para que él vuelva a nosotros en la paz de Alcobendas... y arrepentirnos cuantas veces nuestra vanidad y presunción nos apartó de este hilo infantil si por pasar todas las pruebas nos vemos perdidos de nuevo, y debemos ver a las personas en cuanto niños que fueron tocados por la introspección, el dolor y la soledad y apagar cuantos ruidos tenemos ahora y tantos demonios azuzándonos.
Me fui retirando adonde me fueron dejando,
arrinconado en ese rincón,
tú abrías la puerta del Mar Rojo,
y allí sin saber lo que iba a descubrir,
a solas a esperar por el pasillo del silencio y la tenue luz
encontré la salida,
pero tú te vas.
June 07, 2013
Writer known especially for his detailed fictional explorations of the lower middle class Irish on the South Side of Chicago where he had grown up.
Farrell attempted to present and analyze honestly and painstakingly social groups and what he called social structures in a modified version of early 20th-century Naturalism.
Of the more than 50 volumes of fiction he produced about half were novels; and for his exhaustive analysis of a section of U.S. urban life he required the expanded scope of a linked series of novels.
The work for which he is remembered is the first, a trilogy describing the life of Studs Lonigan in a deteriorating lower middle class Irish section of Chicago (Young Lonigan, 1932; The Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan, 1934; and Judgment Day, 1935).
The style followed both social and speech idioms with scrupulous consistency and the work revealed the hero´s decline in terms of the decline of the milieu. Subsequently Farrell drew from one of the lesser figures of his trilogy Danny O´Neill for five novels (1936-53); a third gero Bernard Clare (or Carr) was the subject of another trilogy (1946-52). A three-part television series based on the Studs Lonigan books appeared in March 1979.
Of Farrell´s nonfiction A Note on Literary Criticism (1936) is important for its criticism of the Marxist view of literature; Reflections at Fifty (1954) is a volume of reminiscences.
An attempt to discover Farrell´s role in contemporary cultural history is found in Alan M. Wald´s James T. Farrell: The Revolutionary Socialist Years (1978).
Farrell attempted to present and analyze honestly and painstakingly social groups and what he called social structures in a modified version of early 20th-century Naturalism.
Of the more than 50 volumes of fiction he produced about half were novels; and for his exhaustive analysis of a section of U.S. urban life he required the expanded scope of a linked series of novels.
The work for which he is remembered is the first, a trilogy describing the life of Studs Lonigan in a deteriorating lower middle class Irish section of Chicago (Young Lonigan, 1932; The Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan, 1934; and Judgment Day, 1935).
The style followed both social and speech idioms with scrupulous consistency and the work revealed the hero´s decline in terms of the decline of the milieu. Subsequently Farrell drew from one of the lesser figures of his trilogy Danny O´Neill for five novels (1936-53); a third gero Bernard Clare (or Carr) was the subject of another trilogy (1946-52). A three-part television series based on the Studs Lonigan books appeared in March 1979.
Of Farrell´s nonfiction A Note on Literary Criticism (1936) is important for its criticism of the Marxist view of literature; Reflections at Fifty (1954) is a volume of reminiscences.
An attempt to discover Farrell´s role in contemporary cultural history is found in Alan M. Wald´s James T. Farrell: The Revolutionary Socialist Years (1978).
26th Mamluk ruler of Egypt ans Syria; his reign was marked by a loss of internal control of the Mamluk kingdom whose rulers were descendants of white slaves. Faraj was the victim of forces -including foreign invasion and domestic feuds- that he did not create and could not control.
Faraj´s father Barquq died in 1399. While he was a child two guardians -Aytimish al-Bajasi and Taghri Birdi al-Bash-bughawi, representing the rival Turkish and Circassian factions respectively- acted for him. As the result of feuds between their factions Faraj was deposed on Sept. 20, 1405 and his brother al-Malik al-Mansur replaced him; but Faraj was reinstated the following November.
During Barquq´s rule a defensive alliance between the Ottomans and the Mamluks had been formed against Timur (commonly Tamerlane, the renowned Turkic conqueror). Faraj´s guardians allowed this alliance to weaken a shortsighted policy that proved disastrous for Ottoman and Mamluks alike as Timur dealt individually with his enemies.
Followin the fall of Damascus and Aleppo in Syria to the Timurid armies in 1400, Faraj remained subservient to Timur for the next five years. The invasion of Syria was was a serious disability to Faraj because of the loss of revenue. As a consequence the coinage was debased and new fiscal taxation levies were imposed.
Faraj was never able to reconquer Syria although he led several expeditions against the Syrian Mamluks who were his nominal vassals. During one of these expeditions Faraj was defeated, captured and imprisoned in Damscus where he was killed in 1412.
One of the most brilliant and famed of Muslim philosophers; he was known as "the second teacher" (Aristotle being the first).
Very little is known of his personal life. He did not write an autobiography and no contemporary commentaries about him have survived; he was of Turkic origin.
His father was probably in the Turkish bodyguard of the caliph, and as a child al-Farabi probably accompanied him to Baghdad, the seat of the caliphal government (the caliph was the titular leader of the Islamic community).
Al-Farabi was not a member of the court society and neither did he work in the administration of the central government. For reasons that remain unknown he accepted in 942 an invitation from the prince Sayf ad-Dawlah to take up residence at his court. Al-Farabi remained there mostly in Aleppo until the time of his death.
Al-Farabi´s philosophical thinking was nourished in the heritage of the Arabic Aristotelean teachings of 10th-century Baghdad. His great service to Islam was to take the Greek heritage as it had become known to the Arab and show how it could be used to answer questions with which Muslims were struggling. To al-Farabi philosophy had come to an end in other parts of the world, but had a chance for new life in Islam. Islam as a religion was of itself not sufficient for the needs of a philosopher. He saw human reason as being superior to revelation. Religion provided truth in a symbolic form to non-philosophers who were not able to apprehend it in its more pure forms.
The major part of al-Farabi writings were directed to the problem of the correct ordering of the state. JUst as God rules the universe so should the philosopher as the most perfect kind of man rule the state.; he thus relates the political upheavals of his time to the divorce of the philosopher from government.
Cardinal and archbishop of Munich who became a prominent opponent of the Nazis.
Educated at Rome he was ordained in 1892.
He taught at the German universities of Würzburg (1899-1903) and Strasbourg (1903-11), subsequently serving as bishop of Speyer (1911-17) and archbishop of Munich and Freising (1917-52).
He was created a cardinal in 1921.
Repelled by Nazi totalitarianism and racism Faulhaber contributed to the failure of Hitler´s Munich Putsch (1923) an attempt to oppose the Weimar Republic with a national revolution.
During the Nazi regime he delivered his famous sermons entitled Judaism, Christianity and Germany (translated in 1954) which emphasized the Jewish background of Christianity and pointed out that the teachings of the New Testament logically followed those of the Old. He further emphasized that the German tribe had become civilized only after Christianization and asserted that Christian values were fundamental to German culture.
Throughout his sermons until the collapse (1945) of the Third Reich, Faulhaber vigorously criticized Nazism, despite governmental opposition.
Attempts on his life were made in 1934 and in 1938.
Working with the U.S. occupation forces he received the West German Republic´s highest award, the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit.
Among his works published in English is Die Sittenlehre des Evangeliums (1936; The Moral Teachings of the Gospels).
Educated at Rome he was ordained in 1892.
He taught at the German universities of Würzburg (1899-1903) and Strasbourg (1903-11), subsequently serving as bishop of Speyer (1911-17) and archbishop of Munich and Freising (1917-52).
He was created a cardinal in 1921.
Repelled by Nazi totalitarianism and racism Faulhaber contributed to the failure of Hitler´s Munich Putsch (1923) an attempt to oppose the Weimar Republic with a national revolution.
During the Nazi regime he delivered his famous sermons entitled Judaism, Christianity and Germany (translated in 1954) which emphasized the Jewish background of Christianity and pointed out that the teachings of the New Testament logically followed those of the Old. He further emphasized that the German tribe had become civilized only after Christianization and asserted that Christian values were fundamental to German culture.
Throughout his sermons until the collapse (1945) of the Third Reich, Faulhaber vigorously criticized Nazism, despite governmental opposition.
Attempts on his life were made in 1934 and in 1938.
Working with the U.S. occupation forces he received the West German Republic´s highest award, the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit.
Among his works published in English is Die Sittenlehre des Evangeliums (1936; The Moral Teachings of the Gospels).
The most illustrious of 16th-century Italian anatomists, contributed greatly to early knowledge of the ear and genital organs.
He served as canon of the cathedral of Modena but turned to the study of medicine at the University of Ferrara where he became a teacher of anatomy.
He was appointed professor of surgery and anatomy at the University of Pisa (1548-51) and then succeeded Realdo Colombo to that chair at the University of Padua (1551-62) where Fallopius also served as professor of botany.
His exhaustive observations, made during dissection of human cadavers and outlined in his only major work Observationes anatomicae (1561), earned him the respect and admiration of his colleagues including the great Renaissance anatomist Andreas Vesalius.
Fallopius discovered the tubes connecting the ovaries to the uterus (not known as fallopian tubes) and several major nerves of the head and face. He described the semicircular canals of the inner ear (responsible for maintaining body equilibrium) and named the vagina, placenta, clitoris, palate and cochlea (the snail-shaped organ of hearing in the inner ear).
A friend and supporter of Vesalius he joined him in a vigorous assault on the principles of the classic Greek anatomist Galen, resulting in a shift of attitude essential to the development of Reinassance medicine.
Surgeon, an outstanding Renaissance anatomist, helped found modern embryology.
He spent most of his life at the University of Padua where he studied under the eminent anatomist Gabriel Fallopius.
As Fallopius successor to the chair of surgery and anatomy (1562-1613), Fabricius built a reputation that attracted students from all Europe.
The English anatomist William Harvey was his pupil.
In the De Venarum Ostiolis (1603; On the Valves of the Veins) Fabricius gave the first clear description of the semilunar valves of the veins which later provided Harvey with a crucial point in his famous argument for circulation of the blood.
Fabricius De Formato Foetu (1600; On the Formation of the Fetus), summarizing his investigations of the fetal development of many animals, including man, contained the first detailed description of the placenta and opened the field of comparative embryology.
He also gave the first full account of the larynx as a vocal organ and was first to demonstrate that the pupil of the eye changes its size.
When he gave up his chair of surgery in 1609 Fabricius maintained a large practice so that he might continue to develop improved surgical techniques.
His Opera Omnia Anatomica et Physiologica (Complete Anatomical and Physiological Works) was first published in 1625.
One of the leading portrait sculptors on the 20th century whose work, though seldom innovative, is widely heralded for its perceptive depiction of character and its modelling technique.
Epstein´s early ambition was to be a painter and he spent his adolescence sketching the teeming ghetto life of Ney York City, showing even the obsession with human personality that distinguishes much of his mature work.
Faulty eyesight forced him to abandon painting for sculpture and after studying two years in Paris he set up a sculpture studio in London in 1905.
He soon began to make his way as a portrait sculptor, despite the public scandals caused by the nudity of his so-called Strand Statues (1907-08; destroyed 1937) and the debauched-looking angel on his memorial (1912) for the English writer Oscar Wilde.
In 1913 Epstein became a founding member of the London group, a loose association of artists and writers promoting modern art in England. Over the next two years he developed a midly experimental style that yielded some of his most powerful works, characterized by their extreme simplification of forms and calm surfaces. Most of these pieces were carved from stone but the strongest work of the period, "The Rock Drill (1913; Tate Gallery, London) was modelled in plaster and its robot-like form reflects his short-lived interest in sleek, abstract design.
With the dissolution of the LOndon group in 1916 Epstein began to work in the two modes for which he is best known. Works of the first mode, mostly religious and allegorical figures such as Genesis (1930) and Ecce Homo (1934-35) consisted of crude, brutal-looking forms carved directly into a megalith, often revealing the shape of the original block. The second mode, a multitude of brozes cast from modelled clay, forms the bulk of his work. These brilliantly executed studies of the rich and the celebrated are characterized by subtle treatment of planes and richly agitated surfaces. At first used to accentuate the play of light on bronze the rough surfaces were later exaggerated to such an extent that they bore little relationship to the sculptural mass and became merely decorative.
Occasionally he also made monumental bronzes such as St. Michael and the Devil (1958; Coventry Cathedral, England).
In his later years Epstein became a vehement opponent of abstract sculptors.
Epstein´s early ambition was to be a painter and he spent his adolescence sketching the teeming ghetto life of Ney York City, showing even the obsession with human personality that distinguishes much of his mature work.
Faulty eyesight forced him to abandon painting for sculpture and after studying two years in Paris he set up a sculpture studio in London in 1905.
He soon began to make his way as a portrait sculptor, despite the public scandals caused by the nudity of his so-called Strand Statues (1907-08; destroyed 1937) and the debauched-looking angel on his memorial (1912) for the English writer Oscar Wilde.
In 1913 Epstein became a founding member of the London group, a loose association of artists and writers promoting modern art in England. Over the next two years he developed a midly experimental style that yielded some of his most powerful works, characterized by their extreme simplification of forms and calm surfaces. Most of these pieces were carved from stone but the strongest work of the period, "The Rock Drill (1913; Tate Gallery, London) was modelled in plaster and its robot-like form reflects his short-lived interest in sleek, abstract design.
With the dissolution of the LOndon group in 1916 Epstein began to work in the two modes for which he is best known. Works of the first mode, mostly religious and allegorical figures such as Genesis (1930) and Ecce Homo (1934-35) consisted of crude, brutal-looking forms carved directly into a megalith, often revealing the shape of the original block. The second mode, a multitude of brozes cast from modelled clay, forms the bulk of his work. These brilliantly executed studies of the rich and the celebrated are characterized by subtle treatment of planes and richly agitated surfaces. At first used to accentuate the play of light on bronze the rough surfaces were later exaggerated to such an extent that they bore little relationship to the sculptural mass and became merely decorative.
Occasionally he also made monumental bronzes such as St. Michael and the Devil (1958; Coventry Cathedral, England).
In his later years Epstein became a vehement opponent of abstract sculptors.
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